Bacterial Cures


The original term for UBT was UBI
Blue indicates a trial with controls.


Streptococcal Infections

Staphylococcus Albus and Aureus

Severe Pheumonia in Infants and Children

Pneumonia and Brain Injuries

E Coli

Acute Septicemia



Renal Failure


Pneumococcus, Staphylococcus


Iritis: Subacute iritis with or without iridocyclitis

Out of 50 patients, all UBI patients recovered without complications. In the control group receiving cortcosteroids, 20% became blind in the affected eye; there were several complications and they recovered more slowly. G.P. Miley – “Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: A History and Guide to Clinical Applications” (1933-1997) Silver Spring, Maryland: Foundation for Blood Irradiation, (1997), p 33.

Streptococcal Infections

Strep infections have been successfully treated. Strep throat, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, acute tonsillitis, acute otitis media and erisypelas all are very responsive to UBI treatment. Miley, G.P., R.C., Lewis, H.T. (1997). “Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: A History and Guide to Clinical Application” (1933-1997). Silver Spring, Maryland: Foundation for Blood Irradiation.

Staphylococcus albus and Staphylococcus aureus

For those using just UBI as a treatment, 8 out of 9 ended in complete recovery. The one patient that died also had bladder carcinoma. Conclusion that UBI as a monotherapy was highly effective against staphylococcemia. Miley, G.P. (1944). “Efficacy of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy in the Control of Staphylococcemias,” American Journal of Surgery 64:3:313-22.

Severe Pneumonia in Infants and Children

40 patients using UBI treatment showed that they improved more rapidly than 25 in historical medical applications as a control. V.N. Kalinlin et al., “Autotransfusion of Blood Treated by Ultraviolet Irradiation in Destructive Pneumonias in Very Young Children” [Russian], Khirugia (1991) No 8, pp 14-20.

Study of 56 children under one year old with acute pneumonia as compared to 45 in a control with standard drugs showed temperature and rapid heartbeats dropped faster, peripheral blood and phagocytosis showed more improvements and hospital stays were reduced by 24% compared to controls. Shamsiev, F.S., et al., “The Efficacy of UBI in Combination Therapy of Acute Pneumonias in Young Children” [Russian], Pediatriia (1990), No 11, p 112.

Autologous transfusion of ultraviolet-irradiated blood in destructive pneumonia of young children: Analysis of results of clinicoimmunological study of the use of autotransfusion of blood treated by ultraviolet irradiation (ABUVI/UBI) in infants with acute purulent destructive pneumonia (APDP) revealed that imbalance of cellular and humoral immunity factors was the main factor determining the severity of the disease. UBI is an effective measure for correcting the immune response of the child’s organism to the bacterial aggression through adequate production of monocytic phagocytes and plasma cells of the blood. It also influences the completeness of humoral immunity and reduction of T-lymphocyte deficiency in the acute phase of the disease, raises the efficacy of complex treatment of toxicoseptic forms of APDR, reduces 1.7-fold the terms of treatment, and reduces considerably the mortality rate of this disease in young children. Kiirurgiia (Mosk). (1991) Aug: (8):14-20. VN, Mezentsev GD, Kashuba EA, Konovalova LA, Shatilovich LN.

Pneumonia in conjunction with severe skull and brain injuries

UBI (6-8 sessions) plus endolymphatic antibiotics significantly raised both the number of T cells and levels of lgA and igM compared to controls using standard antibiotics. Kibirev, A.B. et al., “UBI and Endolymphatic Antibiotic Therapy in the Treatment of Pneumonia in Patients with Skull-Brain Trauma” [Russian], Zhurnal Voprosy Neiokhirugii Imeni N.N. Burdenko (1990), No 3, pp 11-14.

Ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood and endolymphatic antibiotic therapy in treating pneumonia in patients with craniocerebral trauma: On the basis of analysis of 50 cases of craniocerebral injury complicated by pneumonia, the authors prove the efficacy of including ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood and endolymphatic antibiotic therapy in the complex of therapeutic measures. The mortality and the period of in-hospital treatment of this group of patients reduced. Zh Vopr Neirohir IM N.N. Burdenko. (1990) May-June: (3):11-4. Kibirev AB, Kochulanov AN, Strelets BM, Grebenkina LA.

E Coli

Seven cases of Escherchia coli septicemia – a very dangerous condition in the 1940s – five cured. The sixth died of myocardial degeneration but had a sterile bloodstream. The seventh died and had a different Staph infection. Rebbeck, E.W. (1943). “Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation in the Treatment of Escherichia Coli Septicemia,” Archives of Physical Therapy 24:158-67 and 176

Acute Septicemia

Hemosorption and ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the treatment of acute septicemia: On the basis of analysis of results of the treatment of 115 patients with acute sepsis the authors have established that hemosorption and transfusion of the autologous blood irradiated by UV rays when used in the complex therapy allow reducing lethality almost three times. Vestin Khir Im II Grek, 1983 Apr; 130(4): 109-12. Kariakin AM, Kucher VV, Susla PA, Kofman BL.

Hemosorption and ultraviolet irradiation of blood in the complex treatment of suppurative and septic diseases in children: Data on the observation of 120 children aged from one to seven years with ++pyo-septic diseases are described. The complex of intensive therapy included methods of extracorporal detoxification. Positive dynamics was noted after hemosorption and UV irradiation of blood. Preliminary UV irradiation of blood before sorption eliminated metabolic disorders. Less lethality was noted. Vestin Khir Im II Grek. (1990). June; 144(6):79-81. Zalesnyǐ SA, Khankoev IM, Grechishkin Al, Krasnopol’skiǐ IS, Sitnik SD.


Extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of blood in combined treatment of patients with peritonitis: Experience of application of extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of the blood (EUIB) in 60 patients with diffuse peritonitis of different etiology was presented. EUIB/UBI was conducted in 16-24 hours after performance of operation using apparatus MD-73 M “Izolda”. The leukocytic index of intoxication after performance of the UBI third procedure had reduced by 28.5%. Leukocytic index of shift had reduced after the first procedure performance – by 23.1%, after the third – by more than 50%. T-lymphocytes quantity in 22-24 hours after the first EUIB procedure had increased by 23.8% and after the third – by 63%. General postoperative mortality after complex treatment using UBI had constituted 3.3% and without UBI it was 6.5%. Duration of treatment of the patients, in whom UBI was applied, had shortened by 2.6 days. Kim Khir (2002) July; (7):19-20. Kravets VP, Kravets AV.

Hemosorption and ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the complex treatment of peritonitis: An experience with the treatment of 199 patients with different forms of peritonitis enabled the authors to recommend to include the moving blood ultraviolet irradiation in the complex therapy followed by hemosorption. Lethality down 50%. Vestn Khir Im II Grek. (1989) Apr; 142(4):84-7. Riabtsev VG, Gorbovitsk iǐ EB, Myslovatyǐ BS, Masiukevich AV, Ronami VG.

Extracorporeal methods for detoxification in the combined treatment of gunshot peritonitis: On the basis of examination of results and treatment of 49 patients with abdominal gunshot injuries the article emphasizes that the clinical picture of gunshot peritonitis develops much faster, and the syndrome of intoxication proceeds far harder, than in cases of peritonitis with another etiology. The authors make a conclusion that an early application of extracorporal methods of detoxication (hemosorption, plasmapheresis, ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood, xenospleen connection) could minimize the level of intoxication and contribute to the correction of the immune status. Voen Med Zh. (1992) Jan;(1):44-5. SychevMD, Manucharov NK, Tomaev KB, Litvin AA.

Surgery Post-op

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood in surgery: The results of complex treatment of 81 patients with pyo-inflammatory diseases with the use of blood ultraviolet irradiation are discussed. A marked clinical effect was noted, the duration of treatment dropped by 5-10 days, the outcomes improved, and the number of complications decreased. Irradiation of autologous blood by ultraviolet rays led to modulation of the indices of antimicrobial protection, increase of the intensity of the histochemical reaction to peroxidase up to 40-50%, and diminution of pH in the neutrophil phagosomes to 5.0. The ultra structure and ability of thrombocytes to store serotonin were restored, and intensity of their metabolic processes increased, the membrane phospholipid composition changed, and juvenile platelet forms appeared. Khirurgiia (Mosk). (1990) Nov;(11): 100-4. Piksin IN, Atiasov NI, Kiseleva RE, Romanov MD, Dorofeeva LS, Krugliakov PP.

Renal Failure

Ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the treatment of pyo-inflammatory complications in patients with terminal renal failure. The authors describe a technique of extracorporeal UV radiation of blood (EUVRB/UBI) in flow closed circulation. Its efficacy was assessed in combined treatment of pyo-inflammatory complications of terminal renal failure. Therapeutic effects of UBI are due to reduced endogenic intoxication, correction of leukopoiesis and stimulation of immunity. The changes in laboratory findings correlated with clinical pattern of the inflammation. UBI produced a favorable response and improved therapeutic results of pyo-inflammation treatment in patients with terminal renal failure. Vestin Akad Med Nauk SSSR.(1991); (3):15-20. Paleeve NR, Cherniakov VL, Vetchinnikova ON.


A study of 222 hospitalized patients with destructive tuberculosis of the lungs were divided into two groups. The first group included UBI therapy, the second (controls) did not. Within three months, the first group was 100% disease free while only 58.8% of the group with antibiotics only was disease free. After three months, 89.5% of the first group saw the destructive results of the disease disappear and only 3.2% of the second group. Zhandov, V.Z., et al., “Efficacy pf Chemotherapy in Combination with Electrophoresis and UBI in New-Onset Cases of Destructive Pulmonary Tuberculosis” [Russian], Problemy Tuberkuleza (1995) No. 3, pp 20-22.

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: The described methods for ultraviolet blood radiation were used in 80 patients: 51 had tuberculosis of the bronchopulmonary system and 29 nonspecific pulmonary diseases. A marked clinical effect was confirmed by subjective and objective methods. In all cases, blood pressure moderately decreased; there was a tendency to hypercoagulation decline, the erythrocyte count and hemoglobin level increased. The microstructure of blood elements studied by a scanning electron microscope showed formation of the rosette-forming structures in the blood and a significant decrease in deformed erythrocytes. Probl Tuberk. (1991); (7):65-8. Sukhodub LF, Tertyshhnǐ NG, Duzhyǐ ID, Pliskachev VM.

Tuberculosis patients (88 of them) received low doses of UBI and were compared to a control group. 31.9% noted significant improvement, 47.8% partial improvement and 20.3% no improvement. Those with no improvement tended to have fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis, were repeat cases, had undergone lung operation or were chronic alcoholics. Mingalimova, R.G. et al., “UBI in the Complex Therapy of Patients with Tuberculosis of the Lungs” [Russian], Problemy Tuberkuleza (1995) No.3, pp27-28.

Effectiveness of chemotherapy in combination with electrophoresis and ultraviolet irradiation of blood in newly diagnosed patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis. Efficacy of inpatient treatment was compared for 222 new-onset cases of destructive tuberculosis of the lungs. 86 patients received chemotherapy plus electrophoresis and UV blood irradiation (group 1), 136 patients received chemotherapy alone (group 2). Group 1 patients benefitted more; bacterial discharge ceased in 100%, against 59% in controls; destruction in 89% of patients within three months against 38%, in controls. Combined therapy prevents toxic allergic reactions and shortens hospital stay by 48 days Prob Tuberk. (1995); (3):20-2. Zhadnov VZ, Mishanov RF, Kuznetsov AA, Shprykov AS, Ryzhakova TM.

Effectiveness of extracorporeal ultraviolet blood irradiation in treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis in pulmonary tuberculosis: The use of extracorporeal ultraviolet blood irradiation (EXUVBR/UBI) in the complex treatment of patients with chronic forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (cavernous, fibrocavernous) concurrent with chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) has demonstrated a positive effect of the photo-modified autologous blood on the course of COB. The findings have suggested that the magnitude of clinical symptoms of COB was nearly halved, the forced expiratory volume per second increased, the counts of stab neutrophils and lymphocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate became normal. Analyzing the bacterial isolation rate showed a significant decrease in the number of Mycobacteria tuberculosis detected by luminescence microscopy after a session of UBI. The latter used in pulmonary tuberculosis concurrent with COB promotes the enhanced efficiency of treatment of patients with these combined abnormalities. Probl Tuberk. (1998); (3):48-50. Kuvshinchikova VN, Shmelev EI, Mishin Viu.

Pneumococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, etc + –

Clinical trials of UBI successful against pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus and a mixture of other microbes in a 182-patient study with 90 as a control. The treatment group recovered more rapidly (by 5-7 days) had fewer complications and experienced a reduction in fibrogen to normal activation of anticoagulatory and fibrinolytec elements. Those treated who had initial Anemia saw a 30.7% increase in erythrocytes. Novgorodtsev, A.D. and Ivanov, E.M. “UBI as a Method of Nonspecific Therapy of Acute Pneumonia” [Russian], Voenno-Meditsinski Zhurnal (1992) No. 12 pp 38-39.


The efficacy of the ultraviolet irradiation of the blood in the combined treatment of erysipelatous inflammation: An experience with treatment of 1527 patients with different forms of erysipelas is analyzed. Under study were clinical data, nonspecific resistance parameters, peripheral and central hemodynamics and viscosity of blood. Ultraviolet irradiation of blood is an effective method of pathogenetical treatment of erysipelas which results in rapid arrest of local and general symptoms of the disease. The number of complications and recurrences was reduced. http://www, Vestn Khir Im II Grek. (1992) Jul-Aug; 149(7-8):84-8. Potashov LV, Reshetov AV, Tone RV, Vismont VG.